High Net Worth Immigration Blog

Final Changes to Antigua & Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Program

Written by Vicky Katsarova | Sep 3, 2024

Antigua & Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Program (CIP) has long been a favored option, offering a unique gateway to the Caribbean's economic and lifestyle advantages. Recent amendments to this program, effective July 25, 2024, have introduced a series of enhancements designed to make the program even more attractive and aligned with regional standards.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the key changes to Antigua & Barbuda’s CIP, breaking down the new investment requirements, fee adjustments, and expanded benefits for families. These updates present new avenues for investors to secure citizenship while optimizing their investment strategy.

Key Changes in Antigua & Barbuda’s CIP

The amendments to the Antigua & Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Program were implemented to align the program with broader Caribbean initiatives, particularly in terms of investment thresholds and the inclusivity of dependents.

Here’s a detailed look at what these changes mean for prospective investors:

Updated Minimum Investment Requirements

The most notable change in the CIP is the adjustment of the minimum investment thresholds across various categories. The new requirements are as follows:

Investment Option

New Minimum Investment

National Development Fund (NDF) Contribution


University of the West Indies (UWI) Contribution

US$260,000 (for families of 6 or more, inclusive of government processing fees for the first 6 applicants)

Real Estate Investment


Investment in Business

US$1,500,000 for a single investor 

US$5,000,000 for a group

Caption: Updated Investment Amounts as of July 25th, 2024

These adjustments reflect a commitment to maintaining the competitiveness of the program while ensuring its continued contribution to the nation’s economic development.

Changes to Application Fees

In addition to changes in the investment thresholds, the amendments have revised the fee structure for both application processing and due diligence. Take time to familiarize yourself with the new fee structure:

Fee Type

New Fee Structure

CIU Processing Fees

US$10,000 for a Single Applicant 

US$20,000 for a Family of four or less 

Note: US$10,000 per person for the fifth person onward. The UWI option waives processing fees for the first 6 applicants in a family of 6 or more. For 7 or more, you have to pay US$10,000 per person. 

Due Diligence Fees

Principal Applicant: US$8,500 

Spouse: US$5,000 

Child/Sibling 12-17: US$2,000 

Child/Sibling 18+/Parent: US$4,000 

Benefactor: US$5,000 

Note: These fees include the interview fee, with other fees for the first-time application remaining unchanged.

Caption: Changes to Application Fees

These fees are important for investors to consider when trying to make the most of their investment and meet the program’s rules.

Expanded Definition of Dependents

One of the most significant updates to the CIP is the expanded definition of dependents, reinforcing Antigua & Barbuda’s position as one of the most family-friendly programs in the Caribbean.

These changes make it easier for investors to include a broader range of family members in their applications.

Here’s what’s new:

  • No Financial Dependency Requirement -The requirement for children to be financially dependent on their parents has been removed. This change simplifies the process by eliminating the need for affidavits of support and ensuring that a child’s income does not affect their eligibility.
  • Inclusion of Extended Family Members - Investors can now include more family members in a single application. For instance, a Principal Applicant (PA) can include their child (aged 30 or less), the child's spouse, and grandchildren, creating a more inclusive family structure.
  • Future Additions -The amendments also allow for the addition of a child’s future spouse and children to the application, provided the application is made before the child turns 36. This provides long-term flexibility for growing families.

Here’s the table of all dependents that can be included in your application:




Can be added to the application after citizenship is granted

Child (0-30 years)

Eligible regardless of financial means

Unmarried Sibling

Eligible regardless of age and financial means

Financially-Dependent Parent (55+ years)

Eligible if financially dependent

Dependents of Dependent Children (under 35 years)

A spouse who marries after the original approval 

A child born after the original approval

Caption: Eligible dependents

Designation of an Alternate Principal Applicant (PA)

This change allows the main applicant (the person applying for citizenship) to choose someone else as a backup or "Alternate Principal Applicant" at the time of application.

Why is this important?

In simple terms, if the main applicant passes away, the alternate person they designated can step in and handle important tasks related to the application, like adding family members in the future.

Before this adjustment, in the unfortunate event of the main applicant's passing, there was no provision for another individual to seamlessly handle such matters. Now, having an alternate ensures that the application process can continue smoothly even if something happens to the main applicant.

In short, it’s a way to ensure that the citizenship application stays on track, even in unexpected situations.

Other Changes in Fees

Finally, the amendments formalize a range of additional fees related to various services, ensuring transparency and consistency:

  • Schedule of Fees -These fees cover services such as passport renewal, post-approval additions, and extra due diligence fees in case of appeals. Many of these fees were already being applied in practice, but the amendments have now standardized them.
  • Late Payment Fee - A new US$3,000 fee has been introduced for applicants who fail to submit the required investment and fees within the mandated 30-day timeframe. Investors are urged to adhere to these timelines to avoid unnecessary costs.

Grab Your Citizenship Opportunity in Antigua and Barbuda Today!

The updates to the Antigua & Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Program bring fresh opportunities for investors worldwide. These changes make the program more appealing and easier to navigate, providing new avenues for high-net-worth individuals to obtain citizenship in this desirable Caribbean destination.

At High Net Worth Immigration, we’re committed to guiding you through these changes and helping you maximize your investment in Antigua & Barbuda. Whether you're looking to invest in real estate, start a business, or expand your family's global reach, we are ready to help you make the most of the updated program.

Reach out to us now and discover how we can help you achieve your investment goals and secure Caribbean citizenship.