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Get Dominica Citizenship by Real Estate Investment

    The Commonwealth of Dominica, one of the most beautiful islands in the Caribbean, offers an exciting opportunity for high net worth individuals to benefit from its Economic Citizenship Program by investing in real estate. Find out more compelling reasons to invest in Dominica.

    This is the first government-approved real estate development project in Dominica. It enables those who invest US$220,000 (plus fees) in a limited partnership structure to attain all the benefits of Dominican citizenship by investment within approximately five months. Let’s take a look at the details of the program below.

    Real Estate in Dominica - Cabrits Resort Kempinski

    Range Developments (Range Capital Partners, Dominica Ltd) has partnered with Kempinski, Europe’s oldest luxury hotel group, to build a hotel with 101 rooms and suites. This hideaway resort will be on Douglas Bay, near Dominica’s second largest city, and will be surrounded by Cabrits National Park. It will provide guests with all the standards of luxury and care associated with the Kempinski brand.

    To further recognize its investors, everyone who seizes this opportunity will receive an automatic two-year membership in the highest tier of the Kempinski loyalty program, GHA Discovery. This superb property will add to the more than 75 Kempinski hotels already operating in 31 countries around the world.

    The investment must be held for a minimum of 3 years, during which time they expect annual returns to be 2 percent in Year 1, growing to 5.5 percent in Year 5.

    Dominica Economic Citizenship by Real Estate Investment 

    The primary applicant invests $220,000 and pays $50,000 in government fees. Spousal fees are $25,000, and eligible dependent children pay $20,000 each. Due diligence fees are $7,500 each for the primary applicant and their spouse and $4,000 for each child. Share registration fees are $8,800, and additional processing fees for naturalization, stamp fees, etc, amount to $3,750 per person.

    Application Process

    • The primary applicant deposits $22,000 to secure their interest. Range Capital Partners has arranged a loan facility for investors, enabling them to fund the investment and citizenship application fees up to an amount of US$350,000. The loan will accrue interest at an attractive rate, and the loan tenor will be between 5 and 10 years.
    • The application service provider will manage the entire process on behalf of the primary applicant, spouse and dependent children. Under the service provider's guidance, applicants collate all required documents, complete the application forms, and pay the application and due diligence fees.
    • The applicant signs the Sales and Purchase Agreement, so the service provider can submit the file.
    • Processing will take approximately 90-120 days, after which time the applicant will have 7 days in which to pay the remaining 90 percent (US$198,000) of the investment, along with the remaining government and share registration fees.
    • Proof of share ownership then goes to Dominica's Citizenship Unit, which issues citizenship confirmation and passports within 3-4 weeks.

    Monies are deposited into an escrow account with National Bank of Dominica. The government is actively involved in managing the project's escrow account to ensure both transparency and the highest standards of governance.

    This extremely attractive opportunity is currently open. Anyone who wants to learn more about the program, the development itself, the detailed benefits of Dominican citizenship, or the application process, and who would welcome a free initial consultation, should contact us as soon as possible. Learn more about the citizenship by investment opportunities via Caribbean real estate with ROI.

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    Vicky Katsarova

    A citizen of the world in every sense of the phrase, Vicky has done her fair share of traveling. Born and raised in Bulgaria, she spent 10 years living and working in Abu Dhabi before settling down with her family in Nova Scotia, Canada. And it’s only fitting for the CEO and founder of High Net Worth Immigration to be an avid globetrotter—her extensive travels have given her deeper insight and understanding into her clients’ needs.

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